Thursday, November 26, 1987

WWF 1987 Survivor Series (11/26/87)

Wrestlemania 3 was (and still is) the highest grossing pay-per-view of all time. Hogan vs Andre was responsible for the majority of the revenue gained from that event and this event was to be the "re-match" so to speak. The actual reason this pay-per-view came about wasn't really about Hogan vs Andre, it was to put the NWA out of business. Jim Crockett Promotions was pretty much bankrupt even though they were doing awesome business thanks to Crockett over spending on everything, so he banked his entire company on Starrcade 87 which was to be held Thanksgiving afternoon. Vince realizing that if Crockett failed, JCP would definitely go down the crapper so he planned to run his new invention, Survivor Series on Thanksgiving night with the provision that any cable company that airs Starrcade would not be allowed to air Wrestlemania 4 next March. Crockett was dead in the water but that also meant McMahon had to deliver as well....after all, if Survivor Series sucked people would be calling for Starrcade. The original Survivor Series concept was two teams of five wrestlers go at it and if someone is counted out, dq'd, pinned, etc then he is out but the match continues until the entire team is eliminated. The main event would feature Hogan and 4 allies against his rival Andre and 4 of his buddies so for example, it could come down to Andre's whole team against just Hogan. Other matches included every tag team on the roster going at it, the top Intercontinental title contenders against each other and a women's match. The show opens with Monsoon and Ventura shilling the action and what would be a dubious maneuver, Monsoon says three hours of action but on the Coliseum Video, Monsoon overdubbed saying "two" because cassettes at the time couldn't take three hours or something. That means half the matches and all the entrances will be heavily edited...which is important later on. Lets get to the action.

NOVEMBER 25, 1987
Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Match 1

"The Outlaw" Ron Bass, "Dangerous" Danny Davis, Hercules, Harley Race and Honky Tonk Man (with Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart) vs Brutus Beefcake, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Jake "The Snake" Roberts and "Macho Man" Randy Savage (with Elizabeth)

  The very first Survivor Series match in history centers around the top Intercontinental championship contenders of the time period. The feuds were Harley Race and Duggan, Steamboat and Hercules, Beefcake and Ron Bass and the others just didn't like Honky Tonk Man. Honky had beaten Roberts at Wrestlemania then went on to dethrone Steamboat for the IC title, then with a little assistance from the Hart Foundation attacked Savage and Elizabeth to set up this match. In the prematch interview, Honky says he's gonna beat up Elizabeth if she gets in the way and the team will get Steamboat, Beefcake and Duggan. Over to the face team, Savage says he's gonna get Honky while Steamboat does karate moves to the camera. It should be noted that Randy Savage either had or will eventually feud with everyone on his team at one point in time. At the bell, Hercules starts off with Beefcake and the tie up goes nowhere. Beefcake taunts Herc but they trade snap mares before a shoulderblock floors Hercules. Hercules ducks under a leapfrog right into a sleeper hold by Beefcake, who staggers to his corner to make the tag to Danny Davis. Davis and Ron Bass both get in and both get hiplocked for their troubles. He slams Davis then tags in Roberts who goes to town on Dangerous Danny. Roberts tags in Savage who rams Danny's head into Beefcake's boot then tags in Steamboat. Ricky goes upstairs and hits an axehandle smash off the top then a reverse thrust kick. Steamboat whips Davis into the corner but the charge eats knee. Davis tags in Harley Race who promptly delivers a shoulderbreaker then rams him into the corner. Steamboat runs into the corner then does a karate chop to the head of Race who falls backwards like a tree. Race throws Steamboat over the top but he skins the cat back in then throws Race over the top and out. Race gets back in and hooks Ricky in his finisher the belly to belly suplex. Race makes the cover 1...2.....nooooo, wow Steamboat kicked out of the finisher. Ricky finally makes the tag to Duggan who goes to work on Harley with fists and a clothesline over the top to the outside. Duggan and Race both brawl outside as the ref counts to 10 and both men are counted out, now its down to 4 on 4. Roberts and Ron Bass get in and Ron slams Jake but misses the elbow drop. Savage tags in and knees Bass into the corner then hits a back elbow smash. Ventura "When Macho's on his game there's nobody better" very astute observation there Jesse but I don't think Hogan will like that. After all, Steamboat and Savage had one of the greatest matches of all time so Vince rewards Steamboat by having him job the IC title to Honky Tonk Man who then bashes Savage in the head with a guitar and beats up Elizabeth, all for putting on a better match than Hogan. Back to live action Savage bodyslams Ron Bass then runs over to waffle Honky Tonk man for no reason. We get a massive tape edit and the next shot you see is Brutus Beefcake blind tagging in then hitting the high knee on Ron Bass then covers for 1....2....3 and Ron Bass is out, down to 4 against 3 in favor of Savage's team. Hercules runs in and Beefcake goes to town on him with boots to the side before tagging in Honky Tonk Man. Hony goes for the top wrist lock but Beefcake counters with an atomic drop. Brutus rams Honky into the corner and continues to fire away with fists but runs into a Danny Davis knee to the back. Honky takes advantage and executes Shake Rattle N Roll on Beefcake then covers for 1....2....3 and Beefcake's gone. Down to Savage, Steamboat and Roberts against Davis, Honky and Hercules. Savage chases Honky out of the ring who blinds tags in Hercules in the process. Hercules works over Savage before Dangerous Danny tags in and picks up where Herc left off. Honky tags in who eats a Savage elbow smash then tags in Jake The Snake. He goes for the DDT but Honky slides out of the way then a charge in the corner eats boot. Honky goes back to work on Jake as the 2 other heels help along the way. Hercules drops Jake with right hands and covers for 1...2...nope. Davis tags in who picks up where Hercules left off as Monsoon says Davis has no chance to beat Roberts. Ventura says don't count him out so soon but Jake rallies in the corner with jabs then does the short arm clothesline....the set up for the DDT. The crowd rises to their feet and chants DDT and sure enough Roberts catches Davis and WHAAAMMMMMMMM, executes the DDT and the crowd goes crazy. He rolls over Davis 1....2.....3 goodbye Dangerous Danny as Hercules runs in with a flying clothesline. Hercules drops a few elbows on Jake and covers for 1...2....nope, kicks out. Honky tags in and picks up where Jake lefts off then taunts Savage and Steamboat. Honky and Hercules make frequent tags to isolate Jaken and are successful for a while as Ventura makes note of it. Jake does the fade then revive routine then powers out of the chin lock, then tags in Steamboat to a huge ovation. Ricky goes to town on Hercules. Steamboat catches Honky with chops and taunts him before going upstairs. Steamboat hits a flying axehandle, scoop slams him then tags in Savage. Savage runs upstairs and delivers the flying elbow drop.....the cover.....1....2......3 and Hercules is out. Honky Tonk Man is all by himself against Savage, Jake and Steamboat. Savage charges but misses and Honky takes advantage of the situation. Savage tags in Steamboat who picks up where Savage lefts up before tagging in Roberts. Honky goes for a sunset flip but Roberts stomps on him for his troubles. Jake makes the tag to Savage who hits a second rope axehandle as Monsoon mentions how Honky shoved Elizabeth. Savage goes upstairs and hits a flying axehandle then atomic drops him over the top to the floor. Honky and Jimmy Hart take off for the showers as the ref counts him out and this match is over. Honky takes the cowards way out as the 3 faces celebrate in the ring. I think the edit job was a good thing for once because it kept the action moving from start to finish which made it an entertaining match, great way to start off Survivor Series.

Time of Match: An official 18:56 but its heavily edited

Survivors: Jake Roberts, Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage

 Instead of going backstage we go to Monsoon and Ventura who discuss what we just saw and if Honky took a walk to save his title or if he's just a coward. Monsoon discusses the possibility of Jimmy Hart getting in his ear and saying let's get outta here or if Honky bailed on his own. Either way it was the sign of the times as Honky was the coward champion and ironically it was Beefcake who was being groomed to feud with him next. On to the next match without any backstage interviews, why do the ladies get the shaft? The Glamour Girls were the WWF Women's Tag Team Champions and Sherri was the Women's champ but on the other side Velvet and Moolah were the top contenders so lets see how this turns out.

Match 2

Dawn Marie Johnston, Donna Christianello, The Glamour Girls (Judy Martin and Leilani Kai) and Sensational Sherri (with Jimmy Hart) vs Velvet McIntyre, Rockin' Robin, The Jumping Bomb Angels (Itsuki Yamazaki and Noriyo Tateno) and Fabulous Moolah

  Now here's a special treat, the Jumping Bomb Angels had an amazing reputation in Japan, Rockin' Robin was Sam Houston's sister (and Jake Roberts half-sister), Velvet was a great worker, Moolah was a legend in the business and over on the other side we all know how great Leilani and Sherri were. Dawn Marie Johnston was known mostly in Japan where she actually feuded with the Bomb Angels while they were first starting out. Donna was actually trained by Moolah in the 1960's so she was an established veteran of the business by this time. Judy Martin was a good ring veteran as well so there is no dead weight here at all. First things first, I really can't tell the Bomb Angels apart so I'll just pick a girl and put a name on it and if I'm wrong then someone tell me.  I never really understood why Leilani Kai did the whole Glamour Girls gimmick and turned Moolah face in the process, but I never figured out why the women's division fizzled either so lets get on with this. Sherri runs across the ring and attacks Velvet as the bell rings then rams her into the corner. Sherri clotheslines Velvet but runs into a crossbody for a near fall before Moolah gets in the ring. Moolah goes to town on Sherri with stiff shots and a hairgrab takeover as Ventura says Monsoon and Moolah dated back in 1936. Moolah brings in her former trainee Donna Christianello in the hard way then slingshots her halfway across the ring. Moolah makes the tag to Tateno (She's wearing a red, white and black striped singlet so if that's not her then let me know) who springboard dropkicks (in 1987 no less) Donna down. Velvet tags back in who goes to work on Donna and hits a back elbow smash. Velvet does a standing dropkick and a bodyslam as Ventura says these ladies hit just as hard as the men.....I look at today's strippers, playboy models and assorted trash and I put them up against these ladies and lets just say Candace Michelle would have about 4 teeth left once Leilani and Sherri were done with her. Velvet hops up on Donna's shoulders and victory rolls her for 1....2...3 and Donna is gone. Leilani runs in and puts the boots to Velvet before McIntyre hits a hurracaranna (!!!) in the corner. Velvet does a standing dropkick then tags in Rockin Robin. Dawn Marie tags in and throws her face first down to the mat, sheesh. Judy Martin tags in and isolates Robin in the corner before Robin hits a crossbody on Judy for 1...2...nope. Monsoon says how Jimmy Hart has to rely on the Glamour Girls since the Hart Foundation lost to Strike Force. Judy tags in Sherri who hits a dropkick then tags in Dawn Marie. Marie shoulderblocks Rockin Robin but then runs right into a lariat as Ventura says his famous line "Win if you can, lose if you must but always cheat!" Robin hits a crossbody for 1...2....3 and Dawn's gone, Sherri's down 5 to 3 and needs a comeback. Judy throws Robin into her own corner where Yamazaki tags in for the first time. Martin slams her and covers but Itsuki bridges out then leapfrog sunset flips (!!!!) Martin for a near fall. Yamazaki turns a body scissors into a victory roll for another near-fall as its painfully obvious Judy can't keep up with her with these moves. Leilani tags in and she runs into a high knee and a crossbody for a nearfall before Tateno tags in with an off the top takeover. This is 1987 and these are moves that weren't customary in the states for another 8 years at least....damn did Vince drop the ball. Sherri tags in who runs into a back elbow smash and a double underhook suplex. Rockin Robin tags in as Monsoon and Ventura are impressed by the Bomb Angels. Sherri tags in Leilani who Robin botches a monkey flip attempt on. Sherri tags in, slams her down and suplexes her then covers for 1....2...3???? Wow, what a wimp, she got beat by a pedestrian suplex. Jake must be shaking his head at that performance, but anway its down to 4 on 3 as Tateno gets back in and cuts Sherri off. Noryo dropkicks her into the corner before Judy Martin tags in and throws her by the hair 3/4 across the Velvet tags in who TILT A WHIRL BODYPRESSES Judy Martin....damn this is awesome. Not even the male wrestlers were doing moves like this, no wonder Vince pretty much fired all these girls after this event, they are stealing the show and we know Hogan doesn't like that. Velvet brings in Leilani the hard way then slingshots her across the ring. Moolah tags in and goes to down on her old protege before slamming her into the corner. Moolah brings Judy Martin in the hard way but Judy rallies with a back elbow smash. Moolah 3/4 nelsons Martin for 1...2...nope. Itsuki tags in but Martin cuts her off as Ventura suggests someone should shave their head so there's no hair pulling.....unfortunately 16 years after this Vince ordered someone to do it. The Glamour Girls isolate Yamazaki in the corner before Leilani nails her with a flying clothesline. Sherri tags in and throws Itsuki down as Ventura notices there hasn't been one rest hold yet in the time of the match. Sherri tags in Judy Martin who heaves Yamazaki in her corner who tags in, Tateno gets in the ring by accident so Judy throws her through the ropes to the outside. Judy brings Moolah in the hard way but Moolah mule kicks her away. Moolah slams Judy Martin and does a headlock takeover, but on the outside Leilani holds hands with Judy then they lariat Moolah together. Judy makes the cover 1...2....3 and Moolah's gone to even the odds at 3 apiece. Tateno runs in but Judy cuts her off with a boot to the mid-section. Itsuki tags in and they go to work on the right leg as Ventura applauds the double team work. Velvet tags in and locks in a boston crab as Sherri screams at Judy to not give up. Velvet turns the crab into a grapevine then applies a back grapevine. Velvet dropkicks Judy into her corner then brings Sherri in the ring the hard way. Sherri drives her face first into the mat then snaps her off the top rope. Sherri drops the big leg then legitimately injures Velvet with a botched piledriver. Sherri can clearly be seen saying "Are you ok?" as Leilani tags in and throws Velvet into the corner where Tateno tags in. Velvet is noticably slumped in the corner so the Bomb Angels are going to have to pick up the slack so to speak. Leilani delivers a double underhook suplex and covers her for 1...2....nooo DING DING. For some reason the bell rings so referee Jimmy Korderas waves it off as Monsoon says there was no 3 count. Velvet tags back in so Sherri tags back in to complete their sequence from earlier. Velvet does a giant swing and she's noticably moving slower than she was earlier. Sherri chargers into the corner so Velvet hops up and locks in a victory roll for 1...2.....3!  Sensational Sherri is gone as Velvet gives her team the advantage 3 to 2, but she's really in a lot of pain and you can see it in her face. Judy runs in and stomps away at Velvet, then allows her to tag in Tateno who sunset flips Judy for a near-fall. Noriyo rolls and bull rushes Judy to the canvas but is unable to slam her despite numerous attempts. Judy and Leilani looked kinda beefy in those outfits so my eyes weren't deceiving me as Tateno couldn't lift her. Yamazaki tags in and goes for the double underhook but can't lift her either. She finally gets her over but Judy kicks out of the pinfall attempt. Leilani tags in but Itsuki locks in a body scissors with her huge thighs. Velvet tags in and delivers a back elbow smash but crumples to the mat in pain, someone get her out of there because she's in no condition to continue. Velvet catches Leilani in the same victory roll she pinned Donna and Sherri in for 1...2...nooooo, Kai kicks out just in time. Velvet tries another victory roll but Leilani hotshots her backwards off the top to the mat, then covers for 1....2....3 and Velvet's out. Down to the Bomb Angels against the Glamour Girls. All 4 ladies get in the ring so the Bomb Angels clean house with slams, dropkicks and a slingshot. Yamazaki gets isolated eventually by Leilani Kai but for some reason she goes upstairs, only to miss a splash. Yamazaki tags in Tateno who hits a crossbody off the top for 1...2....3 and Leilani's done. Judy Martin's by herself and she gets the early advantage with a fireman's carry drop, but misses a clothesline and gets dropped ass first by Tateno. Yamazaki tags in, goes upstairs and hits a knee drop from off the top. Yamazaki and Tateno double back body drop Martin as Jimmy Hart hops on the apron. Tateno dropkicks him off to a huge ovation as Itsuki goes upstairs and hits a flying lariat from off the top. The cover by Yamazaki gets 1...2....3. and its over. Wow....that was AWESOME.  There were zero rest holds in this 20 minute match, that's impressive. Unfortunately this would be the last time Dawn Marie, Donna Christianello, Velvet McIntyre and the Bomb Angels would be on ppv for various reasons. Still though, for the time period this looked to be right up there with the mid 90's in terms of up tempo action so props to the 10 ladies for their efforts.

Time of match: 20:09

Survivors: The Jumping Bomb Angels

    We go to Monsoon and Ventura who discuss what we just saw. Ventura says the Glamour Girls are in big trouble because the Bomb Angels looked very impressive and a future tag match between the two teams should be very entertaining. A match was signed for the inaugeral Royal Rumble months later but for now the Bomb Angels looked to be the favorites. We go to Craig DeGeorge with The Hart Foundation and their 8 partners....make it 6 because the Bolsheviks aren't there. As usual its complete chaos with everyone shouting at once (its been a theme all night and would continue)

Match 3

The Bolsheviks (Boris Zhukov and Nikolai Volkoff), Demolition (Ax and Smash), The Dream Team (Greg Vallentine and Dino Bravo), The Islanders (Haku and Tama) and The Hart Foundation (Bret "Hitman Hart and Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart (with Mr. Fuji, Johnny Valiant, Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart) vs The Young Stallions (Jim Powers and Paul Roma), The Killer Bees (Jim Brunzell and B Brian Blair), The British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith), The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques and Raymond) and Strike Force (Rick Martel and Tito Santana)

   Sheesh......5 teams per side, 10 men on each side....20 men total. Unlike the first two matches, once a wrestler is eliminated his partner is gone too. This is going to be one long match review so if you have a short attention span, better scroll down. Martel starts out with Nikolai Volkoff and Nikolai goes to work early with headbutts before Rick rolls out of a slam into a running roll up for a 2 count. Martel unloads with left hands as Ventura scoffs at the rules being broken (HA!) as Monsoon is in awe of the mass surrounding the ring.  Nikolai continues to work over Martel as Ventura says that if Rick is dragged into the corner the heels have a great crew to work him over. Volkoff scoop slams Rick then tags in Boris Zhukov who misses an elbow drop. Martel dropkicks Boris than executes a crossbody for a mere 1 count. Rick delivers a back bodydrop before making the tag to Tito Santana. Zhukov cuts him off with elbows to the back of the head and headbutts him. Zhukov sends him off the ropes but misses the clothesline and turns around into THE FLYING FOREARMMMMMM. Santana covers for 1...2....3 and The Bolsheviks are gone less than 2 minutes into the match (1:45). Ax wastes no time getting in the ring and unloads on Santana with axehandle smashes to the back. Ax continues to go to work and delivers a scoop slam, but misses the elbow drop. Santana makes the tag to Jacques Rougeau who unloads with fists and delivers his trademark flying back elbow smash. Ax tags out to Dino Bravo who gets met with a dropkick. Jacques tags out to Jim Brunzell who wrenches the arm then makes the tag to his partner, Brian Blair. Blair comes off the top with an axehandle to the arm before tagging in Davey Boy Smith. Bulldog headbutts Bravo down who staggers to his feet to tag in Smash. Davey Boy cuts him off with right hands but Smash counters with an arm ringer that's too close to the face team, so Santana tags himself in. Santana unloads on Smash before tagging in Dynamite Kid. Dynamite chops and punches but Smash still remains on his feet where he takes over. Smash rams Kid's head into Ax's boot and tags in Haku. Dynamite Kid and about a match made in heaven, two guys that could legitimately kill people going at it with chops and thrusts. Haku gains the upperhand with headbutts (never headbutt an Islander). Dynamite staggers and makes the tag to Brunzell who takes Haku down long enough for Blair to tag in for double team action. Blair kicks away at the leg before Haku tags out to Jim Niedhart who gets met with a drop-toe hold. Blair makes the tag to Paul Roma and they split Niedhart with a wishbone. Ventura shills Roma as a future star as Niedhart bodyslams him then tags out to Smash. Smash beats on Roma then tags in Ax to do the same. Haku tags in and levels Roma with a clothesline before tagging out to Tama. They trade blows in the middle before Roma staggers back to make the tag to Jim Powers. Tama retreats and tags in Smash who beats on Powers before tagging in Ax. Ax beats on Powers who scrambles into the corner to tag Jacques Rougeau. Ventura shills Demoltion's performance so far until Ax puts his head down and Jacques flips backward over him. Jacques rallies with right hands until Ax reverses an irish whip, sending Jacques into the turnbuckle. Jacques hops on the second rope but misses the flying bodypress. Ax pounces to make the cover for the 1..2....3 and The Rougeaus are gone without Raymond getting in the ring (5:48). Dynamite Kid comes in and delivers his trademark snap suplex to a stunned Ax. Ax makes the tag to Tama as Monsoon loses track of who's out there.  Tama unloads on Dynamite but Powers tags in only to be met with a clothesline in the corner. Niedhart tags in and picks Powers up in a Ventura style backbreaker then tag in Haku. Haku jumps off the top onto Powers (still held by Niedhart) for a nice spot but there's no suspense as Powers kicks out without even a 1 count. Haku throws Jimmy into his corner where Roma tags in. Haku misses a charge in the corner and tags in Ax. Ax trades blows with Roma but Paul's charge in the corner meets a foot to the face. Speaking of foot, Ax rams Roma's head into Vallentine's foot before tagging The Hammer in. First time Vallentine's in and we're 7 and a half minutes in. Vallentine delivers a shoulderbreaker but the cover only gets a 2 count. Vallentine does a standard suplex but the sloppy cover again gets 2.  Dino Bravo tags in as The New Dream Team finally makes their appearance. Bravo delivers a gut wrench suplex and covers for 1...2...nope. Smash tags in but so does Brian Blair. Smash misses a charge in the corner so Blair makes the tag to Dynamite. Dynamite executes a dangerous looking left lariat but the cover gets only 2. Smash kicks him in the face then throws him on the apron. Demolition pummels Dynamite until Smash elbows referee Dave Hebner down causing a disqualification. Ax and Smash are out along with Fuji (9:11) and Bret Hart makes his first appearance. Bret delivers an elbow to the back of the head followed up by a piledriver. Hart covers but Dynamite kicks out to the surprise of Ventura. Hart goes to work with european uppercuts in the corner as Ventura says Hart is one of the best wrestlers in the world. Hart misses a charge in the corner and Jim Powers tags in. Ventura notices neither Martel nor Santana has got in the ring yet as Hart scrambles to tag out to Tama. Tama reverses a whip into the corner and levels Powers with a flying lariat. Tama scoop slams Jimmy but misses a second rope Vader Bomb. Powers makes the tag to a fired up Rick Martel. Martel goes nuts in the ring before tossing Tama about 10 feet in the air with a backdrop. Martel boots Tama in the head and eventually applies the Boston Crab...only problem is Tama is too far into his own corner and Jim Niedhart tags in. Niedhart clotheslines Martel from behind and covers for 1...2...nope. Niedhart clubs away in the corner but a charge eats double boot. Martel ignores Brian Blair's extended hand right in front of his face in order to dive to tag his partner Tito Santana. Santana unloads with right hands before delivering THE FLYING FOREARMMMMM. The cover gets 1...2....noooooo, Hart came out of nowhere with an elbow to the back of Santana's head. Niedhart rolls him over and covers for 1...2....3?? Wow, the world tag team champions are eliminated 12 minutes in and both men were in the ring for a combined 1 minute 13 seconds. Ventura says this should vault the Foundation into the tag title picture which they didn't win for another 3 years. Roma enters and unloads on Niedhart before making the tag to Powers who misses a dropkick. We're 12 and a half minutes in and I've noticed the Stallions and Islanders have done most of the bumping so far. Haku tags in and delivers a dropkick as a bored Ventura talks about his pilgrim hat that was given to him by his great great great grandfather Ephram The Body Ventura that came over on the Mayflower as Valentine tags in. Greg delivers elbow smashes in the corner and wards off a sunset flip attempt before scoop slamming Powers. Valentine covers for a 2 count then tags in Niedhart. The lights in the Coliseum go dim for a few moments before Niedhart drops Powers throat first on the top turnbuckle. Haku tags in who executes a thrust kick followed by a back breaker. Valentine tags in and he and Haku execute a double chop together. Valentine covers for 2 then Powers reverses a suplex. This is where Coliseum Video fans would be disappointed because they edit out the next 7 minutes of action...but thanks to some internet pirating I've come across the missing 7 minutes. A stunned Valentine drags Powers into the corner where Bret tags in. Bret does a backbreaker and Tama comes off the top with a smash, impressive teamwork. Bret executes a snap suplex but Powers kicks out of the pinfall attempt much to Ventura's surprise. Powers gets to the corner where Roma tags in to rally with right hands. Bret stops the rally with a thumb to the eye as Ventura says that was his favorite move. Niedhart tags in to put a thumb to the eye himself before giving way to Valentine. Greg slams Roma then goes upstairs to deliver a forearm smash. Valentine shoots the half but the cover only gets a deuce. Powers tags in but Valentine cuts him off with chops. Bret tags in to fire away at Powers but misses a dropkick. Jimmy makes the tag to Dynamite. Dynamite sends Bret sternum first into the turnbuckle but the cover only gets 2. Dynamite delivers a back suplex as I just realized Davey Boy hasn't been in for the last 15 minutes or so. Roma tags in and delivers a back elbow smash. Bret tags out to Haku as Roma tags out to Blair. Blair rams Haku's head into Dynamite's head then tags in Davey, about time. Blair and Smith deliver a double back elbow smash before Smith headbutts Haku a few times. Powers tags in and rallies with right hands but Haku cuts him off to tag in Niedhart. Niedhart unloads then tags in Bret who allows Powers to tag in Davey Boy. Davey Boy delivers his gorilla press slam and covers for 1...2..nope. Davey Boy pounds Bret all the way into the rope where Haku tags himself in. Smith cuts him off and throws him into the ring. Davey picks him up and hits his trademark finisher the running powerslam. He covers for 1....2...thre...wait what? Haku actually kicked out (a miracle considering that move would put him away in Coliseum Video matches years later). Davey tags in Dynamite and they do a suplex/second rope headbutt combo but Dynamite appears more hurt than Haku. They both stagger to their feet where Haku delivers his thrust kick to the throat of Dynamite. He covers right in front of Davey who just stands there as the ref counts 1....2....3 and the Bulldogs are out 20 minutes in. Roma comes in and delivers two standing dropkicks but the cover only gets a one. Haku slams Roma then makes the tag to Bravo who promptly misses an elbow drop. Powers tags in and rallies with right hands but Bravo reverses a monkey flip into an inverted atomic drop. Bravo chops and kicks Powers as Ventura says if the Stallions are eliminated the Bees will take a walk like Honky did earlier. Monsoon scoffs as Valentine tags in who hammers Powers with elbows to the back of the head. Coliseum Video picks back up here to see Dino Bravo tagging in to unload on Powers. Bravo rams Powers' head into Niedhart's foot and when Jim tags in, they execute a double elbow smash. Bret tags in and he unloads on Powers as well. He ties Powers into the tree of woe as Ventura says Bret's father Stu was one of his favorite wrestlers. Bret kicks the helpless Powers until Jim Brunzell jumps in to save him. Valentine tags in to unload on Powers before giving way to Bravo again. Like I said, this is the Stallions coming out party because they've been in the ring a lot longer than most everyone else combined. Bravo executes a backdrop then drops Powers throat first on the top rope. Bravo delivers his side suplex but tags in Valentine instead of covering. Powers kicks out of the figure four then squirms over to tag Roma. Valentine doesn't see the tag and goes to apply the figure four to Powers when Roma comes off the top with a sunset flip for 1....2...3 and The New Dream Team along with Johnny V are out 17 minutes in (officially 24 minutes). We're down to the Stallions and Bees against the Harts and Islanders. Niedhart storms in but gets cut off by Roma who gives way to Brunzell. The Bee's work over Niedhart before Brunzell delivers a high knee but the cover only gets 2. Bret tags in as Ventura says the Islanders and Foundation have the advantage over the other side because of Heenan and Hart outside the ring. Normally that would be a factor but the managers haven't done any interfering so far.  The Bee's and Roma works over the legs of the Hitman before Bret rallies to tag in Tama who comes off the top with a smash. Monsoon brings up the youth of Tama (20 years old at the time) as Haku tags in for double team action. Ventura wants to see the thrust kick again but he misses a splash allowing Brunzell to tag in. Brunzell works Haku over with old school AWA tactics until Bret tags back in. Monsoon confuses Blair with Brunzell (one's got a porno stache, the other doesn' as Roma tags in. Ventura finally notices the Stallions have been in the ring virtually the whole match as Roma scoop slams Bret. Roma delivers a fist drop to the throat but the cover only gets two. Bret rallies with a back suplex but only gets a near fall. Tama tags in to rake the face before tagging out to Haku. Haku misses a charge in the corner and Roma arm drags his way out. Haku delivers a standing dropkick then tags in Niedhart. Ventura applauds Haku's dropkick and Monsoon requests Niedhart do the same and right on cue Jimmy hits one on Roma, but the cover only gets a one. Niedhart delivers a powerslam  and covers for 1...2...nope.  Monsoon praises the Stallions performance as Roma scrambles over to tag in Brunzell. Bret begs off but Jim rallies with right hands until they run into each other. Brunzell goes for a scoop slam but Tama dropkicks Bret into a pinning position but it was too strong allowing Brunzell to roll back over for comes Haku...3!  Haku is too late so Bret, Niedhart and Jimmy Hart are all out of there officially 31 minutes in. Brunzell celebrates but Haku cuts him off allowing Tama to come off the top with a smash. Tama chokes Brunzell then applies a nerve hold before Jim powers out of it. Tama drops him then tags in Haku who delivers a shoulderbreaker. Haku covers for a nearfall then delivers the same kind of nerve hold Tama did. Brunzelll escapes but Tama tags back in to apply the same damn nerve hold. Brunzell begins crawling toward his corner but Tama throws him back into his corner where Haku tags in. Haku sends him off the ropes but Brunzell sunset flips over for 1...2..nope. Haku suplexes but the floatover cover only gets 2. Haku sends him off but gets booted in the face allowing Jim Powers to tag in. Powers rallies with a flurry of right hands before delivering a back drop. Ventura says the face side has the advantage with 3 guys to tag in while Haku only has Tama. Powers makes the tag to Roma who delivers a powerslam cover for 1....2..nope. Tama makes the save as Brian Blair jumps in to protest. Both Islanders double team Powers while the ref shoos Blair away. Haku apparently becomes the legal man but a charge in the corner misses. Roma crawls over and tags in Blair who walks into a thrust to the throat. Tama tags in and unloads on Blair before delivering a flying back-elbow smash. Tama scoop slams Blair but misses an elbow drop allowing Blair to tag in Brunzell. After all the time Brunzell was in the ring earlier, you wouldn't be able to tell because he unloads on Tama like he just tagged in for the first time. Brunzell beats up both Islanders then executes a double noggin knocker. Ironic how the Headshrinkers would never sell that move but the Islanders did. Brunzell executes his trademark dropkick (apparently nobody else besides Brunzell was doing dropkicks back in the AWA heyday) but Haku breaks up the pinfall. Brian Blair puts the mask on (the babyface Bees would pull the switcheroo yet the fans never minded) as the Stallions brawl with Haku to the outside. Brunzell goes for a sunset flip but Tama counters by hanging onto the ropes. Blair then sunset flips into a cover and the idiot ref falls for it 1.....2....3 and this one's over. Ventura says "That's a bunch of crap!" as even the normally face supporting Monsoon has to agree.  From an in ring standpoint this was as good as it gets for 1987 WWF action with anyone not named Savage, Steamboat, Roberts, Hogan, Orndorff or Rude involved. Of course with 20 guys involved SOMEONE'S got to work well right? I gotta give props to the Bees and Stallions and they were the weakest teams going in compared to the former tag team champions (Bulldogs and Hart Foundation), the current tag team champions (Strike Force) and the new kids on the block (Demolition and The Rougeaus). I guess the logic was the good teams eliminated each other but either way this should have been the Young Stallions breakout. They did most of the work the entire match but they never got the push. Still a great showing and an entertaining match.

Time of match: An official 37 minutes, but it was drastically edited for this tape.

Survivors:  Jim Powers, Paul Roma, Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair

    We go to Ventura who's still pissed at the ol switcheroo pulled off by the Bees before we are sent to Craig DeGeorge with Andre's team. Andre's team makes a lot of noise as Andre says he beat Hogan once (in reference to the long two count) and he'll do it again. Heenan chimes in with his two cents before Andre tells everyone to shut up then says "Hogan...I WILL BE DA SURVIVORRRRRR". We go over to Mean Gene Okerlund with Hogan's team who are completely fired up. They go crazy and Hogan shoves Bam Bam halfway across the room before giving his usual speech.

Match 4

"Ravishing" Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, "The Natural" Butch Reed, One Man Gang and Andre the Giant (with Bobby Heenan and Slick) vs Ken Patera, "Mr Wonderful" Paul Orndorff, "The Rock" Don Muraco, Bam Bam Bigelow and Hulk Hogan (with Sir Oliver Humperdink)

    Before we get started, its noted that Don Muraco is the last second replacement for Superstar Billy Graham. As much as I like seeing Muraco on the team, I would have much rather seen Superstar Billy Graham, no matter what his condition was. Andre's team had the advantage in size with the monsters One Man Gang, Andre and Bundy but overall talent went to Hogan's team with Patera, Orndorff and Bam Bam ready to roll. Patera is wearing a brace on his right arm and I have no idea why, the announcers didn't explain it either. Ventura asks if Hogan can trust Orndorff....well gee, they feuded in 1985, were friends in early 86 then feuded again, now are friends again. In real life they didn't like each other so that may be a valid question by Governor Ventura. Hogan enters waving old glory as the crowd goes nuts. Muraco starts out with Rick Rude as Monsoon says Rude better not try to match power with him. Muraco and Rude trade blows in the corner before Muraco gets a knee to the gut. He brings Rude over to the corner where Bam Bam tags wait, he doesn't. In a funny spot, Muraco was aiming for Orndorff and Paul goes upstairs meanwhile Bam Bam thinks he's tagged in and gets in the ring, but he quickly notices Orndorff is the legal man so he sheepishly steps back out on the apron. Orndorff comes off the top with an elbow then goes to work on the Ravishing one as Patera makes fun of Bam Bam outside. Paul rams Rude into Hogan's boot then tags the Hulkster in. Hogan punches Rude and clothesline him then drops a series of eblows. Hogan tags in Bam Bam who gets a huge pop from the crowd then scoop slams Rude, setting him up for a Bigelow running headbutt. Bigelow overhead press slams Rick then tags in Ken Patera. Patera slugs away at Rude who falls back into his own corner where Butch Reed tags in. Patera catches him with a clothesline, scoop slams him then cradles him up for a near fall. Muraco tags in and dropkicks Reed as Monsoon says Reed and Gang put Billy Graham on the shelf (in real life Graham had to retire because he never fully recovered from the hip replacement surgery). Muraco rams Reed into Orndorff's boot then tags him in where he delivers a series of dropkicks. Monsoon and Ventura make note that Hogan's team is making frequent tags and working together as Andre's team has done diddly squat. Orndorff runs over and slugs Bundy for no apparent reason then goes back to work on The Natural. Paul tags in Hogan and they execute a double clothesline on Butch. Hogan bounces off the ropes and delivers the big leg drop then covers as Muraco gets in the ring to make sure no one makes the save 1....2.....3 and Reed is the first one eliminated. In the funniest spot of the match, Hogan excessively celebrates in his corner by hugging and high fiving all 4 of his teammates as Andre sneaks up behind him. The crowd pops in excitement for the big rematch but dumbass referee Joey Morella says that Hogan tagged in Patera when its obvious all he did was high five him. The entire face team is telling Morella that he didn't actually tag Patera but he'll have none of it and orders Hogan out of the ring. Jesse goes nuts on commentary "He's saving Hogan again! I don't believe it!" Patera taunts Andre but he doesn't notice, he wants Hogan and taunts him. Hogan leaves so Andre throws his hand up and tags in Bundy to go one on one with Kenny. Patera goes to work on Bundy and throws him into the corner. Jesse says he can't believe how powerful the Hogan team is...well duh, Ken Patera was an Olympian in POWER LIFTING plus Muraco and Hogan had killer physiques and Bam Bam's a mobile big man. Patera throws Bundy off the ropes and delivers a clothesline, then tags in Orndorff. Bundy makes the tag to One Man Gang who delivers a series of forearms to the back of Paul.....the first offensive move delivered by Andre's team 5 minutes into the match. Gang pounds away on Orndorff in the corner but Paul rallies with lightning quick right hands. Paul whips Gang in the corner but a charge eats knee. Gang tags in Rude who picks up where Gang left off....until he's met with a clothesline. Orndorff scoop slams Rick then delivers his twisting elbow drop as Ventura says Rude has flat out sucked this match so far. Paul covers for a near fall then tags in The Rock, who delivers a clothesline of his own. Hogan punches Rude in the corner then sticks a finger in the eye, buying him enough time to tag in the Gang. They trade blows before Muraco ducks under a charge, sommersaults into the corner and tags in Patera. Ken goes crazy on Gang with right hands but an eye rake stops that, then he whips Ken off only to be countered with a crossbody for 1...negative, couldn't hold him down. Patera whips Gang in the corner and hits a running knee lift, then Gang gets a thumb to the eye as Ventura praises. Gang goes to work on Patera in the corner then isolates him on Andre's side. Gang distracts the ref as Bundy and Rude do a number on Patera until he turns around and all is well....wink wink. Gang gets a front facelock on Patera and Ken desperately tries to manuver his way over to his team but can't. Patera rakes the eyes and whips Gang off but he gets caught in a modified Bossman Slam....oh hell, all Gang did was fall on him for 1....2...3 and Patera's gone to even the sides at 4 apiece. Hogan gets in and unloads on Gang with punches, clotheslines and chops in the corner. Hogan tags in Bam Bam who gets a huge ovation, sheesh, he out popped wonder why he was jobbed out after this. Bam Bam and the jealous Hogan double big boot Gang. Ventura says Bam Bam's the only one on Hogan's team that can match size with Bundy and Gang but as soon as he says that, he and Gang collide and they both go down. Gang tags in Rude and Bam Bam tags in Orndorff, the two smallest guys remaining in the match. Orndorff hits a suplex then another twisty elbow drop as Ventura says Rude has done nothing in this match. Orndorff hits a backbody drop then calls for the piledriver, his finisher but wait.....Bundy runs in and cheapshots Orndorff. Paul's dazed and looks around which allows Rude to roll him up and hook the tights for 1.....2....3 and bye bye Orndorff, he'd never be on another WWF ppv again (until his induction into the hall of fame almost 20 years later). Rude poses but Muraco sneaks up behind and delivers an atomic crop and clothesline. Bam Bam tags in and delivers a crescent kick and a suplex of his own then tags in Hogan. Hogan whips Rick off and delivers a running high knee then tags in Muraco. Hogan whips Rude into Muraco who powerslams him and hooks the leg 1....2....3 and we're even at 3 apiece 10 minutes into the match. Bundy gets in and goes to work on The Rock but misses a knee drop. Muraco takes advantage and works over the leg as Ventura praises Muraco for getting the big man off his feet. Bundy gets a thumb to the eye then tags in Gang who works over Muraco in his corner. Ventura gets antsy and asks when Hogan and Andre are gonna go at it but suddenly Muraco tries to slam Gang but instead he falls on top for 1....2..nope, Muraco kicks out in time. Gang throws Don into Andre who headbutts him down, then Gang splashes Muraco and covers for 1...2....3 and Muraco is out of there 12 minutes into the match. The advantage is now with Andre's team and Ventura says if Bam Bam is the next to go, Hogan will run away like Honky Tonk Man did earlier in the night. Bam Bam tries a sunset flip so Gang just sits on him, ouch! Bundy tags in who clotheslines Bam Bam (who does 360 in the process) then covers for 1...2..nope, Hogan makes the save. Ventura scoffs and we get a tape the main event no less. Bundy whips Bam Bam off then delivers a knee to the gut, then Jesse says the best thing about Bundy and Bam Bam is that there will be no hair pulling. Gang tags in and works over Bam Bam as Ventura says Heenan's master plan is to save Hogan for last. Gang delivers a back elbow smash and tags Bundy back in who delivers more damage to Bigelow. Bundy misses an elbow drop as Ventura says if Bundy got a bunch of tatoos then he and Bam Bam could be a tag team. Bundy covers again for 1.....2...nope, Gang tags back in for about 3 seconds then tags in Andre for the first time all night. Andre goes for a big punch but Bam Bam sommersaults into his corner and tags in Hogan...HERE WE GO! Hulk and Andre go at it in the corner with chops, punches and chokes. They trade blows until he rams Andre's head into the turnbuckle near Bam Bam, then he runs over and knocks Bundy and One Man Gang off the apron. Hogan goes back to work on Andre and runs off the ropes...only to be pulled out by Bundy. On the outside Hogan is double teamed by Gang and Bundy until Hogan slams Gang. Hogan makes his way back to ringside but Bundy catches him only to be slammed for his troubles. The bell rings as Hogan gets in the ring which can mean only one thing.......HULK HOGAN HAS BEEN COUNTED OUT! Hogan gets back in the ring and baits Andre as Finkel says if Hulk doesn't leave then Bam Bam will be disqualified. Hogan throws a fit, grabs his title belt and walks to the back as Bam Bam is all alone is against 3 super heavyweights. Bam Bam has the crowd behind him and he goes to work on King Kong Bundy with elbow drops punches. Bigelow shoulderblocks Bundy and delivers a falling headbutt but the cover only gets 2. Bam Bam delivers a dropkoick then executes an elbow drop to the leg. Bundy whips Bigelow in the corner and goes for the avalanche but Bam Bam moves out of the way. Bundy crashes into the corner and falls backward then Bam Bam goes outside and SLINGSHOTS back in ontop of Bundy for 1.....2....3 and Bundy's out 19 minutes in. This was actually Bundy's last non-house show match in the WWF for 7 years for his contract had run out shortly after Survivor Series and he decided simply to retire. Gang comes in and pounds on the exhausted Bam Bam as Monsoon says he's got nothing left. Gang slows the match down considerably since he himself doesn't have much left in the tank but the cover off a move only gets a 2. Gang goes for a blatant choke as Ventura says that Bam Bam has no chance in hell to win the match then says how the Twins somehow won the World Series so maybe its possible Bam Bam could pull it out. The 1987 Twins had Kirby Puckett, Kent Hrbeck, Gary Gaitti, Bert Blyleven, Frank Viola and Jeff Reardon so its not THAT farfetched they won it all, however Bam Bam is by himself against One Man Gang and Andre the Giant. Gang rams Bam Bam into Andre's boot then goes upstairs, what the hell is he thinking? Gang jumps off and hits nothing as Bam Bam rolls on top of him and we got 1.....2....3.  We're down to one on one. Ventura is shocked Bam Bam has made it this far but now looming over him is Andre the Giant. Giant hits a big punch on Bigelow and a headbutt as the crowd gets behind Bam Bam. Andre whips Bigelow but Bam Bam avoids the big boot and sommersaults away from Andre a few times. Bam Bam charges but Andre moves so Bigelow crashes into the corner. Andre shoulderblocks Bam Bam in the corner then does his trademark hiptoss. Andre covers and its all over folks 1....2....3. Andre makes good on his pre-match promise that he'll be the survivor. Andre and Heenan celebrate before Hogan runs back to the ring and waffles Andre with the title belt.....what a sore loser. Ventura goes nuclear on Hogan and scoffs like crazy as Hogan celebrates in the ring even though he lost. Sheesh, even when he loses he gets to end the show with his usual 20 minute posedown. That wasn't so bad, the face team actually set a pretty fast pace until the end where it was just the big men, then it got ugly. The feud between Hogan and Andre is far from over, but Andre wins the battle. It should be noted this would be the last time a heel would win the main event of a card in exactly 4 years.

Time of match: an unofficial 22 minutes

Survivor: Andre the Giant

  We go to Andre and Heenan who rant and rave to Mean Gene. They call Hogan a cheapshot artist and say that there will be a rematch between the two at a later date. Andre says that he is "da survivor" again as we go to Monsoon and Ventura who wrap up tonight's events. Ventura "I'm leaving Cleveland...I'm happy about that!" gotta love The Body folks.

    For a ppv designed just to piss off the competition, it was actually very entertaining and groundbreaking. The Survivor Series would be held annually after this year, moving from Thanksgiving Night to Thanksgiving Eve to eventually just another Sunday over the course of the next 10 years. The opening match was good, the women's match was phenomenal, the tag match kind of slowed near the end and the main event was average at best. In terms of storyline development it really didn't settle anything but it was sure nice to see everyone important (sans Junkyard Dog) getting some in-ring time. In terms of overall impact, Survivor Series was actually a better show than Starrcade but Crockett would get his revenge months later. The show itself did a 7.0 buyrate which means 7 MILLION people either at a bar or in someone's house had watched Survivor Series. You'll never see those numbers again in an era where there's a new ppv every month and 3 shows every week. Still, it was an innovative show and good things were on the horizon.

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