Saturday, April 10, 1976

WWWF at The Boston Garden (4/10/76) Incomplete

Boston Garden
Boston, MA
April 10, 1976

We're back once again with an incomplete writeup as footage for only one match exists from the WWWF house show at the Boston Garden on April 10, 1976. The night after the Boston Bruins blanked the Los Angeles Kings in Game 1 of the NHL playoffs but tonight its time for wrestling. This was a pretty stacked card considering this was the exact same day the WWWF ran the Baltimore Civic Center with a completely different crew. The only match filmed was the main event, a Russian Chain match featuring former WWWF Champion Ivan Koloff taking on Bruno Sammartino for the strap. Koloff beat Bruno in 1971 so he's gunning for him again.

Match 1

Jose Gonzalez vs Baron Mikel Scicluna

Back in 1976, Jose was usually one half of The Invaders tag team only this time he's going solo under his real name against the Baron. This match ended up being a draw.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 2

Pat McGuinness vs Man Mountain Mike

McGuinness was a territory villain, usually working Memphis and Florida. Mike was 6'4 and legitimately almost 600 pounds just like his partner/rival Haystacks Calhoun. Mike was born Gary Fletcher and he played 2 years of college baseball before The Great Bolo found him at a buffet (no lie) and trained him to be a wrestler. Unfortunately Mike will always be known as the opponent for "Iron" Mike Dibiase when Dibiase died in the ring of a heart attack. If Haystacks was the big friendly hillbilly, Mike was the big rough heel. Apparently Pat was a sub for Gene Dundee and Mike got the win.

Winner: Man Mountain Mike

Match 3

Louis Cerdan vs "Unpredictable" Johnny Rodz

One half of the tag champs in Cerdan takes on Rodz in this one. His partner will be facing "Superstar" Billy Graham later. Not surprisingly, Cerdan got the victory.

Winner: Louis Cerdan

Match 4

Pete Sanchez vs Kevin Sullivan

Sullivan and Sanchez were going on tour in a rare face vs face showdown and apparently they brought it to Boston on this night. There was no way Sullivan was losing in his hometown and he didn't.

Winner: Kevin Sullivan

Match 5

Pat Barrett vs Rocky Tomayo

Barrett was still hanging around after dropping the tag belts with Dominic DeNucci back in August. Now he's got Rocky Tomayo one on one in the Boston Garden. Boston sure loves their Irishmen and the fans were definitely happy when Pat got the duke.

Winner: Pat Barrett

Match 6

Tony Parisi vs "Superstar" Billy Graham

The other half of the tag champs, Parisi, takes on the Superstar. Unfortunately for Parisi, he gets beat by Graham.

Winner: "Superstar" Billy Graham

Match 7

Ivan Koloff (with Captain Lou Albano) vs Bruno Sammartino (with Arnold Skaaland) in a Russian Chain match for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

Finally we're at out main event which is the only match with footage existing. As I mentioned earlier, Koloff dethroned Bruno back in 1971 and the premise is he's gonna do it again. We got the Russian Chain gimmick because Bruno is going to have to overcome Koloff at his own game if he wants to keep the title. Albano attacks Bruno before the bell and Bruno kicks him down before scoop slamming him. Albano flees to the outside and Koloff does nothing about it. The chain is attached to both men and Koloff bashes him in the head with the chain instantly. They engage in a tug of war and Bruno gets the upperhand, bashing Koloff with it and choking him.  Bruno uses the chain to whip Koloff to the corner and wraps it around Ivan's neck. John Stanley can't DQ Bruno because there aren't any. Bruno kicks and punches Koloff before using the chain to whip him into the corner. Bruno again chokes Ivan with the chain but Ivan gets a thumb to the eye. Now its Ivan's turn to choke with the chain in the corner. Koloff hits him with the chain then whips Bruno in the corner. Bruno reverses a whip and sends Ivan into the corner before kicking at him. Bruno sends Koloff into the corner, wraps his fist with the chain and starts beating Koloff down, busting him open. Bruno continues the onslaught in the corner and caters to the crowd. Koloff staggers to his feet and Bruno continues to punch away with the chain around his fist. Koloff finds a way to drop Bruno with the chain and choke him with it. The action spills outside where Bruno sends Koloff into the guardrail. They smash each other with wooden chairs but Koloff puts the boots to Bruno as first man in the ring. Koloff chokes Bruno with the chain but Bruno punches and kicks him. Bruno then wraps part of the chain around Koloff's neck in the corner and stretches it from the outside like a makeshift noose. Koloff gives it up and Bruno is your winner! Angelo Savoldi and Sylvano Sousa help Koloff to the back as Bruno stands tall in the ring. Chain matches have been done to death over the years but in 1976 Boston Garden it must have been a lot of fun.

Time of match: 7:10

Winner: Bruno Sammartino by submission (Still WWWF Champion)

Would have been nice to see the rest of the card but we should all be thankful the main event has been restored. Would have been great to see a young Sullivan in the Boston Garden or Man Mountain Mike back when attractions like him came around once a blue moon. Bruno and Koloff had their wars, no doubt about it and they all drew a bunch of money. There's always going to be footage unearthed of matches that aren't available today so its a good time when something like this is found.