Monday, March 26, 1973

WWWF at Madison Square Garden (3/26/73) Incomplete

Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
March 26, 1973

Two days after Andre The Giant made his WWWF debut, he makes his MSG debut on this card. This is actually a damn good card as we got The Vachon Brothers taking on King Curtis Iaukea and Louie Tillet, Gorilla Monsoon vs Moondog Mayne and Freddie Blassie takes on Pedro Morales for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship. There does exist a clip of Andre's bout against Buddy Wolfe so let's get to it.

Match 1

"Nobleman" Joe Turco vs El Olympico

The masked man takes on the Nobleman, Joe Turco. This might have been fun to watch if any footage of it existed. As it is, Olympico wins it.

Time of match: 8:14

Winner: Joe Turco

Match 2

Frank Valois vs Tony Garea

The Frenchman Valois takes on the New Zealand fan favorite Garea. Don't be surprised, but Garea gets the win.

Time of match: 10:15

Winner: Tony Garea

Match 3

The Vachon Brothers (Mad Dog and Butcher) vs Louie Tillet and King Curtis Iaukea

Now THIS is a match I wish had footage of. You had some of the all time crazies in Iaukea and the Vachon brothers. Now Tillet we already know but what about the other three? Maurice "Mad Dog Vachon" was born Joseph Maurice Vachon and started amateur wrestling as a teenager. He competed in the 1948 Olympics and took seventh place. That's where he met Verne Gagne who had just won the national championship in wrestling at the University of Minnesota. He made his professional debut in 1950 working in Canada but got his name in 1962 working for Don Owen in Portland. From then on he was a big rough heel, eventually beating Gagne for the AWA Championship in 1964. Paul "Butcher" Vachon is the younger brother of Mad Dog and is also a lunatic. They're also the older brothers of the late Vivian Vachon and Butcher is the adopted father of the late Luna Vachon. Curtis Iaukea was born in Hawaii and was the great-grandson of legitimate Hawaii Royal member Curtis Iaukea. He dropped out of UC Berkley to play in the Canadian Football League before becoming a wrestler in Don Owen's promotion in 1960. He was a great heel but had turned face by the 70's. The Vachon Brothers won the match.

Time of match: 12:09

Winners: The Vachon Brothers

Match 4

The Great Goliath vs Victor Rivera

Two latin stars here as Rivera takes on Goliath. Goliath was born Pablo Crispin in Mexico and was a territory star in the 50's and 60's. These two fought to a 20 minute draw.

Time of match: 20:00

Winner: No one (draw)

Match 5

Sonny King vs Mr. Fuji

Battle of the former tag team champion taking on the current tag team champion. King and Chief Jay Strongbow knocked off Baron Scicluna and Curtis Iaukea only to lose the belts to Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji. Now King gets Fuji one on one at MSG. Fuji got the win and we'll see his partner later

Time of match: 7:26

Winner: Fuji

Match 6

Gorilla Monsoon vs Professor Toru Tanaka

The other half of the tag team champs, Mr. Tanaka takes on Gorilla Monsoon who wants to knock him off for personal reasons. The bout ended in a draw

Winner: No one (draw)

Match 7

Moondog Mayne vs Chief Jay Strongbow

Mayne had failed to win the WWWF title two days earlier and Strongbow was still irate after losing the tag belts to Tanaka & Fuji. Unfortunately no one got any momentum as this bout also ended in a draw.

Winner: No one (draw)

Match 8

Buddy Wolfe vs Andre The Giant

Andre The Giant made his WWWF debut two days earlier but tonight makes his Madison Square Garden debut. Who is his opponent? "Beautiful" Buddy Wolfe played minor league football before being trained by Verne Gagne in 1968. He was a good territory heel in Atlanta and Dallas before coming to New York. The first highlight we see is Buddy getting a front headlock on Andre and Andre effortlessly standing up and carrying him around the ring before putting him on the top rope. Andre backs down the much smaller Wolfe as Wolfe gets a side headlock in. Once again Andre just stands up and throws him around. Buddy runs right into a scoop slam and a big right hand. Andre decks him with an uppercut then headbutts him down. Andre delivers a backbreaker and a big splash for 1...2.....3 that's it. Andre gets the victory as the fans cheer the big guy. At 26 years old, Andre had a bright future ahead.

Time of match: Unknown

Winner: Andre The Giant by pinfall

Match 9

"Classy" Freddie Blassie vs Pedro Morales for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

Interesting that the aging Blassie gets another title shot after he's failed time and time again since 1971. Not surprising but Morales gets the victory. Modern logic would have Andre come after Pedro as a heel but behind the scenes Andre was making bank as a babyface attraction around the world so staying in one territory would have actually cost him money at the time. So Morales doesn't have to worry about him moving forward after defeating Blassie.

Winner: Morales

Sad to say but apart from Andre The Giant's MSG debut the show wouldn't be noteworthy at all 50 years later. Fans in 1973 had a blast but with the way wrestling is structured today, not really much of anything would make sense. Vince Sr was still pushing the territorial house show system where everything happened on live events instead of syndicated television. Still, everyone bought tickets to see Andre so any time he was in town, it was worth seeing. Morales is still the champ and the tag champs have hell to pay moving forward. WWWF now has some TV tapings that have been unfortunately lost to time but the next house show will be Thursday night in Lowell. The tag champs will be in singles action, see you there.

Saturday, March 24, 1973

WWWF at Philadelphia Arena (3/24/73)

Philadelphia Arena
Philadelphia, PA
March 24, 1973

Why are we doing a random house show from 1973? A real good one reason actually. This was the first WWWF match of the one....the only....ANDRE THE GIANT! That's right, Andre made his WWWF debut at a house show days before his MSG debut and this was the show in question. Andre would be in a handicap match against the Argentinian Bull Pometti and Frank Valois. Other matches on the card included a women's showdown between Donna Christianello and Toni Rose against Joyce Grable and Susan Green, Mr. Fuji takes on Louis Tillett and the WWWF title is on the line as Pedro Morales takes on Moondog Mayne inside a steel cage! Let's get to it.

Match 1

Tony Garea vs El Olympico

Tony Garea was born Anthony Gareljich in Auckland, New Zealand to Croatian/Yugoslavian parents. He started wrestling in his native New Zealand before coming to New York to work for Vince Sr in 1971. If you ever wanted to know why Garea's been a WWE lifer, he was a "homegrown" talent for WWWF. Who the hell is El Olympico you ask? Joey Corea wrestled as one half of The Spoilers in the Gulas territory in 1970 but left after a year. Under a mask that showed his face, he wrestled as El Olympico which was new in the New York territory at the time. These two fought to a draw.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 2

Joyce Grable and Susan Green vs Toni Rose and Donna Christianello

Oh boy, Moolah's girls....and Sue Green. 20 year old Betty Wade was actually the second woman to use the name Joyce Grable. She was given that name by Moolah because she looked almost like the original Grable. Sue Green was a 19 year old prodigy who grew up a huge wrestling fan in Texas. She actually got permission from Texas governor John B Connally to train at the age of 14 with Joe Blanchard. She had more matches in high school than some of these indy guys have their whole careers. Toni and Donna we all know. They were women's tag champs for years and had a lot of experience tagging together. Donna and Toni won the match.

Winners: Donna and Toni

Match 3

Louie Tillet vs Mr. Fuji

In case you didn't know, Mr. Fuji was born Harry Fujiwara in Hawaii to Hawaiian and Japanese parents. He made his debut as a heel in 1962 and first came to the WWWF in 1972 with his partner Professor Toru Tanaka. He and Tanaka defeated Sonny King and Strongbow for the WWWF tag titles in 1972. His opponent Louie Tillet was a Frenchman that was a star in the 1960's working the territories. Fuji got the win in this one

Winner: Mr. Fuji

Match 4

Professor Toru Tanaka vs Don Curtis

The other half of the tag champs, Tanaka, faces Don Curtis. Don aka The Buffalo Bomber was born Donald Beitelman and made his name at the University of Buffalo in 1949. He was best known for being tag partners with Mark Lewin in the 60's. By now he was 45 years old and on the downside of his career. Tanaka got the duke.

Winner: Tanaka

Match 5

Andre The Giant vs Vincente Pometti and Frank Valois in a handicap match

And now we get to the reason why we're doing a writeup on this show. Its Andre The Giant's first WWWF match. His bio is too long to give it justice but I'll give the cliffnotes. Andre was born Andre Rousimoff in Grenoble, France with acromegaly aka Giantism. He was over 6 feet tall at the age of 12 and he never really stopped growing. He had aspirations as a teen of being a soccer player but when he got too big, after he left school he became a farmer with his father. At 18 he trained to be a wrestler in 1964 and had his first pro bout in 1966. He was known as Geant Ferre aka The French Lumberjack but when he came over to North America for the first time, Vince Sr rechristened him Andre The Giant. We all know "Bull" Pometti and Valois although Frank was 51 years old at this time. No surprise but Andre wins his first match.

Winner: Andre The Giant

Match 6

Moondog Mayne vs Pedro Morales for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

What's this? One of the Moondogs? Not exactly. Moondog Mayne was a second generation wrestler, the son of Kenny Mayne. His story is tragic but I'll get to that in a minute. Mayne wasn't actually apart of the "Moondog" stable that would eventually include Rex, King and Spot....he just was named that by Vince Sr. Unlike the Moondogs of the 80's, Mayne is dressed colorfully although he is a lunatic that twitches like he sees things that aren't there. Apparently he was supposed to be a deranged hippie. Morales is anything but a hippie and he beats Mayne to retain the title. As I mentioned earlier, the career of Mayne was cut short when he was killed in a car accident on August 14, 1978 at the age of 33. His name lived on in the Moondogs tag team that was formed years later.

Winner: Pedro Morales (still WWWF Heavyweight Champion)

Standard card for the time period and normally would be an average house show but its famously Andre's first WWWF match. It would have been fun to see Pedro vs Mayne and the women's tag match since Sue Green was the only non-Moolah girl in the match. Still, there was a lot of money to be made on Andre and both Vince Sr & Vince Jr knew it. This was just the start for the next 18 years of Andre in New York. One of the few times the main event was an afterthought.